Laurens van Wesep

🇳🇱 click here for Dutch

Did you receive my physical business card? 👇


Welcome to my Sub.Link Bio, the page where you will find all my contact details. Add my details directly to your phone (vCard), connect on LinkedIn or get in touch via one of the other channels.


The data partner for impact-driven organizations

With the software on the Sub.Link platform you can create measurable QR codes and links and you can create a digital business card (like this one) in no time. With our consultancy we help you with data issues, such as impact measurements, volunteer recruitment and analyses.

Office address details:

The Social Hub

Willem Ruyslaan 225, 3063 ER Rotterdam


In addition to data, I also deal with AI (artificial intelligence) on a daily basis. From developing a product yourself to implementing AI within organizations. Would you like to know more about AI as an organization? Then approach me and I will see how I can help your organization. We often start with a workshop, after which we go into more depth.

Awesome Foundation Rotterdam

I also make Rotterdam, the city where I live, a bit more fun. How? By funding out-of-the-box ideas and projects that contribute to that vision. Together with a group of so-called 'trustees', we fund these ideas and share our network to increase the impact on society. Look for this part at Awesome Foundation Rotterdam.

Pretty awesome, right?